Professional in Human Resources & Management & Compensation (CPHRC)

Conveys and addresses main areas of Human Resource Management to gain command of a relevant body of knowledge. The purpose is to give you knowledge and skills which can be used in leveraging human expertise and improve your organizational and personal performance. 

 An Internationally Recognized 5 Certifications Program CPHRC: 

  • Leadership & HR Decision Making (CPHRC 4).
  • Global HR Strategic Management Certificate (CPHRC 3). 
  • Compensation Management (CPHRC 2). 
  •  HR Generalist Certificate (CPHRC 1). 

Certification is designed to address and convey leading edge practices in various areas of Human Resource Management and to help attendees gain a command of the relevant body of knowledge that has been defined by various global bodies including the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA), the world’s peak HR body.
iHRME Inc. has developed a competency model which reflects this defined body of knowledge and upon which each course in the program is wholly based